Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Progressive Era

 The ANTIWAR.COM website made me realize many things I did not know before. It gave me a new world of information I had never been exposed to. I had never seen a website like this, and at first, it was tough to navigate because I had no idea where to look. It is different from the typical website I would go to for new information because I usually go to primary sources like, Fox News, or The New York Times. It gives you so many different viewpoints I do not see in my regular news sources. I could be on this website for hours because there is so much information in each section. Although this website is not just factual, it has a lot of bias; I enjoyed exploring new websites like this.

While visiting The American Conservative, I found numerous new articles and information I had never been exposed to. I do not fully understand everything on this website because I am not very invested in the media news world. The government tries to censor what we see and how we receive it. I now understand why I have never been to either website because I am not the target audience. A lot of times, I will click on the first few options I search for, yet I get the information that I think I want. Yet, going through both websites made me realize that I should scroll and keep scrolling to find different opinions and voices and then look at the same ones. It is very beneficial for me to see a lot of different viewpoints and then make my own instead of looking at websites that are all the same with the same view.

To find an antiwar voice website, you must search and dig because the government does not want anyone looking at those websites. They have ways of shutting down and blocking it from the public so the people can not be influenced. It is hard to find websites like these because the government does not want the public to be against war. Another reason it is hard to find these websites is that the government does not want to look bad or be publicized as anything wrong.

We, as the people of America, are very used to the same mainstream websites that usually all have the same opinion. We should start using more websites like these to get new viewpoints for a better understanding of the whole subject.

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