Tuesday, March 21, 2023

My Top Five News Sources

Over time generations have found new ways to find information quicker and quicker. As people rely more heavily on technology than anything, news has become more digital than ever. I have never had to wait for the news; I could always find out anything I wanted in the world with a simple search. Below are my top five most used and favorite news sources. 

CNN is one of my favorite and most used news sources. It is very easy for me to look back on their website to find news about that day that I missed on the news channel. Watching the daily news is difficult for me, so I love that they post everything on their website and are up to the most recent dates. It is the news source that I use for world news and what is happening today that could majorly affect me.

YouTube is of the top three apps I use daily. I love being able to watch videos about everything and anything that I would want. Youtube is easy for me to watch and not get distracted like I can with reading. They have such a wide variety of content that I could never stop learning new information. I also enjoy it for more casual news like the new cooking styles etc.

The New York Times is a website that I love using about once a week to find out everything that interests me. While it does have world and breaking news, I love using it for its health, sports, style, food, travel, and even real estate. I love a news source that can give me more information than just world news or politics. I know that is reliable information, and I enjoy finding better ways to do things daily.

is a social media platform that I use daily. Social media is not a reliable way to get accurate information, yet I learn a lot daily just by scrolling through videos. They are usually funny or something fun for me to do, not usually something that is meaningful, yet I still care to learn this new information. It helps me know what my friends are talking about and the current news in the social media world.

Word of Mouth is one of the easiest and fastest ways I learn news daily. I always find out new information when I talk with friends or family. Usually, if something big happens in the world, I will hear first from my family. My grandma watches the news all day, so I get a text in the family group chat anytime big happens. My friends and I are always talking about our world of social media and what is the most happening thing.

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