Thursday, March 23, 2023

Privacy, Online & Off

One example of how privacy can affect me is through the unauthorized use or sharing of personal information. For instance, If I sign up for an online service or make a purchase online and provide my email address and other personal information, that company can now sell my information to other companies to get money. They can get to know what you like and more about you so they can target you. If that company sells your information to third parties without your consent, you will receive unwanted spam emails or targeted ads. This is how companies can quickly get your data by making you sign up for a discount or another attractive deal to make you give them personal information. Your personal information can be used for identity theft, financial fraud, and other unknown purposes. I am significantly affected by this because I have often given my personal information to unreliable companies. I have learned my lesson more than once, but it still is hard to know when companies are just trying to use you for personal information or if they need that information. Ever since I have been a victim of one of these situations, I have been using a strong enough passcode for all my devices and have made sure to use a spam email if I ever need to put my email in for anything.

The Government should regulate the use of surveillance technology. Governments can regulate surveillance technology to prevent unwanted sites and protect people’s privacy. This includes controlling the use of CCTV cameras, facial recognition technology, and many other forms of surveillance. Even though the Government tries to “regulate” technology, I think it would be impossible to regulate all technology. That is why it is so important for more people to find out about online safety and what you should and should not do. 

One of the biggest things the Government should be doing is encouraging transparency. Governments can enable or even make companies more transparent about how they use your data and where it goes. Some people do not even know their personal data is being used. Companies should have to tell customers about their usage practices by requiring them to say to people their policies. The Government needs to develop a system that protects the people but helps the companies as well. 

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